Today, I did a Periscope on these three tips, so I thought I'd share this information on my blog. For those of you that don't know what Periscope's AWESOME! It's a new Social Media platform that allows you to do live broadcasts to the world. Yes, the world. It's amazing. And fun. And addicting. But, I'm not writing on Periscope today. I'm writing about the 3 Tips for overcoming DOUBT.

Ugh. Doubt. It's a dirty word in all areas of life, but when it comes to pursuing your goals and dreams it's as fun as dirty dishes and dirty underwear. They stink and no one wants to deal with them. So, here are 3 Tips based on my live Periscope today.

1. Prayer

The first thing I do when doubt seeps into my psyche is pray. Some people prefer to meditate or relax with no noise, and that's okay too. But, for me, I need prayer. I take time to talk with God and let Him know that I am trying to use my talent(s) for good. I express my desire to overcome the doubt and I ask for a refreshing in my mind to help me focus on my goals or dreams. It works every single time. Today, on my live Periscope I had several people chime in that prayer is the cornerstone to their success as well. So, it works. I use it. Daily.

2. Friendship

This is a big one. Surround yourself with people who will encourage you, not discourage you. There are plenty of people in the world who will tell you that your ideas are nonsense or rubbish. To them, I laugh. To those people, I slowly weed them out of my life. Find a group of supportive women or men that fulfill the need to encourage, inspire, and uplift you. I have a VERY strong group of friends. I have business friends, work friends, spiritual friends, funny friends, dreamer friends, and so on. I have some friends who fulfill all of these needs and others who fulfill only one, but I surround myself with positive influences and you should too. If you don't have a group, make one. Find them online through Instagram and Facebook (or Periscope) if possible. But, surround yourself with light and goodness because it will help you through the darkness that comes with doubt.

3. Desire

Doubt can seep in when you have lost the desire to pursue your goals. You need to take a match to flame the fire of desire once again. This is very hard to do when the road gets tough and messy. I know because I've been there. You need to take action with this tip. Write out a list of reasons why you started in the first place. Keep a 30 day Journal of Dreams and write out one reason you want to keep going with your dream. Remember, doubt kills dreams.

These are just 3 Tips on overcoming doubt in pursuing your dreams. I enjoyed doing my live broadcast on Periscope this morning. I hope you will continue to watch and listen to me daily. Don't forget I'm launching my #DreamUP Series on October 15th. Sign up to be on our mailing list!

As always, Good Luck and God Bless!


3 Tips on Overcoming DOUBT and Living your Dreams!

September 21, 2015

We've all heard it before. The seductive calls from the siren of "Working From Home" on the shores of "I hate my job." But, not many take the plunge.  And the ones who do take the risk are struggling. WHY IS THIS?

Since I'm a successful business woman I get cornered at EVERY event I attend from someone who is trying to run an MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) business or they are trying to launch onto the internet with a business idea or product, and they all ask me the same question: "WHY AM I NOT MAKING MONEY?"

The answer is not the same for everyone. But, it typically falls on the doorstep of Marketing 101 or lack of proper execution. Here are some basic pointers on how to revamp your business marketing plan.

1. Think Outside of the Box

I preach this over and over and over again, but I still feel like no one is listening to me. I promise, it works. You've got to reach outside of the norm of what everyone else is doing. Where is your service or product needed? Who is your ideal candidate or consumer? Create a wish list of ideal customers then decide where they meet. THIS IS EASY! Now, go market in those areas. For example, if you are selling   Christian Jewelry pieces then you should be selling at every local boutique and you should contact the local pastors/preachers in your area and discuss options for them to use your pieces as a fundraising event where they possibly get a portion of the sales (win-win scenario). Or how about the church bookstore? Or, maybe you could sponsor the woman's group? You see, the potential to think outside of the box is endless. Now, get moving and make that wish list!

2. Get the Proper Training (yes, pay for it!) 

There are so many AWESOME training videos available online through reputable people. I just read an article this morning about a young woman who made 1.2 million dollars in her first year of her online business. That amount of money sounds nice about now, wouldn't you agree? But, she credits her success to the hours and hours she invested in online training videos and seminars. Listen, there is an old adage that says, "You've got to spend money to make money" and in this instance that's true. Take a course and watch it over and over again. Really apply the principles it teaches you. I've found online courses that run as low as $40! You can't beat that. So, you skip a date out with your hubby. I promise, it's worth the money.

3. Podcasts are for the Pro's

Now that I've lectured you on paying for help, now I'm going to lead you to a FREE SOURCE of knowledge and inspiration. Podcasts. If you aren't listening and subscribing to speakers in your field, you are behind! Get moving. Take your business serious by listening to a podcast that will increase your business knowledge. These are FREE. And, everyone loves free, right?

Okay, so it's time to get moving with your business. These were just three tips to get you busting a move on your biz. Remember, Rome wasn't build in a day, but, darn, in this day and age you can make a fantastic living running your own business. Stay tuned for more AWESOME MARKETING TIPS from me and a soon to be launched MASTERMIND of MARKETING SUCCESS GROUP!

Good luck and God Bless!

3 Marketing Tips for Your Business (and less stress for you!)

September 19, 2015

Lately there has been an enormous amount of chatter on Social Media about what constitutes the "Perfect Mom". So I thought I'd add a few tidbits to the static. Pay close attention. This is very serious. I mean, I didn't become a perfect mother overnight. But, I promise, if you follow my advice...well...let's just say, you'll be close to perfect.

1. Always Put Your Child's Needs First

For example, I just picked up my fifteen-year-old daughter from high school and she said she was "hungry"; so, naturally, I told her it was much more important that I get my nails done. I did, afterall, have a 4:00pm nail appointment and it was 3:45pm. Her hunger can wait, right? But, I did give her an open bag of Dorito's I had stashed  at the bottom of my purse. See, I'm always thinking of them first.

2. Speak Kindly to Your Children 

Your words are like daggers and your children need nourishment and reassurance that you love them no matter what. Let me explain, just last week I woke up my teenage son to tell him his room was a mess and he was living like a pig. I once yelled so loud at my children I lost my voice for two weeks. And, yes, I almost forgot, I have a wonderful habit of walking into my room and slamming the door on them if I don't want to hear what they are saying. Ah, perfection. I can almost hear the jealousy rising in the mothers reading this article. But, alas, continue reading.

3. Always Make Your Children Your Top Priority

Oh, this is a good one. I often like to ditch my family entirely and go to a movie with a good friend. I buy a large buttery popcorn and a Coke. I hang out way too long with my friend laughing about life, work, marriage, and motherhood. Sometimes I come in well after 1 am. Hey, but I always remember to bring them the left over popcorn. That's what a perfect parent would do.

4. Always Keep a Good Eye on Your Children

Goodness knows, this is important. They need to feel like you will always keep them safe. Once I let go of my toddler son's hand for one second and he ran into oncoming traffic on a busy road. Perfection at its finest. Or, even better, once the same aforementioned son, climbed to the top of the stairs at a friends house and fell down creating a scene right out of a stunt devils handbook.Or, get this, once I locked my six-month-old daughter in the car on a hot, Arizona summer day and had to break the window to get her out. Like I mentioned, it's hard being a perfect parent.

5. Never Let Your Children Know Your Problems

It's not good for them to worry. I try my hardest to keep bad news from them. Like the time we had no money to fix our old, beat up Honda and they had to push start it everywhere we went. Or, the time we had to heat up water on the stove so we could take warm baths during the winter since our Gas had turned off and I didn't get paid for a few more days. Or, the time we got evicted and we had to move our stuff overnight.

6. Always Help Them Academically

This is a sure fire way for them to be successful. Your children need your support. For example, my college-age son needed our family computer to write up a report, but I told him he could use it after I finished watching Season 3 of "Lie to Me". See, I care about his academics. Or, the time my daughter needed me to sign a paperwork so she wouldn't get detention after school. Hey, for the record, I apologized when I picked her up from detention.

7. Teach Them to Love Others

You are their best example of how to love others. They are watching everything you do and say. Like the time I made an rude comment about a lady at church, or the time they heard me talk behind a neighbors back, or the time they heard me judge another person harshly, or the time I lied to get out of something, or the time they saw me flip off a bad driver, or the time I harshly judged another person. See, being a perfect parent isn't hard at all.


I hope you learned a few good lessons from me. I assure you, I am a very talented, gifted, and let's not forget, perfect mother.  I have never lost them in a grocery store, or forgotten to feed them, or smacked them across the face, or humiliated them in front of friends, or hurt their feelings, or broken a promise to them, or been outright nasty to them.



I am, after all, a perfect mother. 

How to be the Perfect Mom

September 1, 2015


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