I'm a huge movie buff. I love movies.
Seriously, I love them.
They've been teaching tools in my life and they've helped me travel many troubled and happy paths. Quotes from movies stick to my memory like good friends. I mean, who can erase the memory of Scarlett O'Hara in Gone with the Wind pumping her fists into the air, declaring, "As God as my witness, I'll never go hungry again." Or, Tom Hanks in the movie Cast Away, crying in anguish over the loss of his volleyball-friend into the vast ocean screaming, "Wilson!" But, one of the most poignant scenes in cinematic history, at least for me, is from Lord of the Rings: Return of the King, when Sam and Frodo are climbing Mount Doom.
If you aren't a huge Lord of the Rings fan or even if you've never seen the movie or read the books, you'll still understand what I'm writing about, because I'm writing about friendship. I'm writing about love. Here, go with me a minute and you'll get a better picture.
In the movie, Frodo, the main character has to climb Mount Doom carrying the cursed ring. It is his own journey to take. It is his own cross to bear. No one can do it for him. But, he has his BFF, Sam along side of him. And in this beautiful, climatic scene, Frodo is worn down, tired, and he collapses under the weight of his trial.
Have you ever felt like that? Like life was just too much. You receive an awful diagnosis? You lose a well-paying job? You're going through a divorce? You failed a test? You file bankruptcy? Life, looks, well, bleak and hopeless.
We've all had trials or seasons in our life when the climb up our personal Mount Doom seemed too heavy to bear, too hard to journey onward, and perhaps, like Frodo, you collapsed at the thought of taking one more step. You crumble at the thought of what lies ahead of you, and as you lay down in the ashes of your lost hopes and dreams, you stare at the depths of your own Mount Doom and wonder, "How can I make it alone?"
Alas, this is where Sam comes in. Blessed, joyful, faithful, and loving, Sam. In the movie, Sam looks down at his dear friend, Frodo, who is weak and almost on the doors of death. But, dear Sam, looks Frodo straight in the eyes and says one of my favorite lines of all times:
"I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you."
Isn't it beautiful? We can't carry our friends or family members trials, those are for them to work through, but we can carry the individual. We do that in a simple text message, or a lunch date, or a phone call, or going with them to chemotherapy. We can be the Sam's in the lives of others by simply being by their side, pushing them onward, encouraging them with hope and, above else, our love.
I've been Frodo and I've been Sam.
As, I suspect, so have you. We are all on our own Hero's Journey.
Because none of us leave this life unscathed and untarnished by the realities of being a breathing, living human being (trust me, I've asked God several times to give me the one exception and it hasn't worked).
But, we do get control over one thing and that is love. And, we can be the much-needed Sam to a desperate, tired Frodo, trying desperately to make their way up their Mount Doom.
This past season for me, I've been Frodo. I know what it's like to look at the mountain I have to climb and want to give up and not take another step. I know what it's like to say, "I'm done. Leave me here." And, I know what it's like to feel the dark abyss of a scary journey ahead of me. But, God has given me Sams along my path, along my journey, and up my mountain.They've lifted me up, threw me over their shoulder, and carried me up the mountain.
But, also, I've been Sam before. Making a good friend laugh at a difficult time in their life, helping them along their uneven path and guiding them on their way. I've been able to help friends move one step closer to their destiny and conquer their biggest Mount Dooms.
So, whether you are Frodo or Sam, it makes no difference, because in the end love will always win. You will conquer your Mount Doom, dear Frodo, I've read the book and you come out as a conqueror. And to the Sams in this world, keep on doing what you are doing. Loving and carrying the sweet soul up their mountain, until at last this season has passed.
And, it will pass.
But the love of the journey will always remain.
{Here is the clip of the scene. It's worth the two minutes.}
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