The other day while I was shopping I heard the cutest exchange between two little girls. They couldn’t have been any older than eight and they were obviously good friends as they giggled and discussed normal eight-year-old subjects. I didn't pay attention to their conversation until I heard this interaction:
“Let’s go swimming at Jayden’s house,” Little Girl #1 said. “My mom can drop us off.”
“No way,” Little Girl #2 said, putting her hands on her hips.
“Why?” Little Girl #1 asked.
“Jayden has too many issues,” Little Girl #2 answered firmly.
Little Girl #2 nodded in agreement to her friends analysis and off they ran.
Like I mentioned earlier, I laughed. But the two little girls got me thinking about the word "issues". I vividly remember when the word “issues” became synonymous with a person having major problems, typically emotionally, in life. I'd heard it when a good friend mentioned that her own issues in life could fill several books.
Yet, in all reality we all have issues. We all have problems we are either dealing with or we are denying, but we have them. They wake up with us and they go to bed with us. Sometimes they rob us of sleep and other times they are the reason we sleep. I have yet to meet a person that doesn’t have some type of problem they are dealing with. No one is perfect. No one is immune.
But the other day while reading the book of Jeremiah I came across a profound scripture that changed my perspective on how I deal with my own issues. It breathed new life on how I can become a strong woman amidst the chaos and hectic realities of life. After reading this scripture I sat back in awesome wonder of God’s word and then I made a list of how I could become all of the things it mentioned. I dubbed it: How can I become a Jeremiah Tree?
It's a lofty goal, don't get me wrong.
But very attainable.
You’ll see why.
Let’s go real quick and read it. It can be found in Jeremiah 17: 7-8.
“But blessed is the one who trust in the Lord, whose
confidence is in him.
They will be like a tree planted by the water that
sends out its roots by the stream,
It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are
always green.
It has no worries in a year of drought
and it never fails to bear fruit.”
So there it is. The Jeremiah Tree I want to become.
And, I suppose so do you.
Who doesn’t want to have no fear, to always be lush and green and have no worries? Who doesn’t want to always produce good fruit into the world? I mean, seriously. This verse is awesome. But it leaves one solid question—How do I become a Jeremiah Tree?
I read the verse over and over again and then I made a list. First, I wrote out all of the promises in the verse. Then, I created a second list of how do I become such a person.
Here’s the first list. All of the Promises:
“No Fear when
heat comes…” No fear in the face of adversity or troubles.
No fear when problems arise that you don’t understand. No fear when life turns
upside down. No fear when the daily troubles of life arise. No fear when a bad
diagnosis comes. No fear when life hits hard. You will stand strong in the face
of any difficulty or problem that comes your way.
“It’s leaves are
always green…” You will always be
healthy, whole, vibrant, and joyful. A healthy tree has green leaves and is
lush. You are a healthy tree who will always be green. You will be so healthy
that you will provide shade for others. You will be vibrant and whole. You will
have a healthy body and a clear, focused mind and well-being.
“It has no
worries in a year of drought…” God is
your provider. He provides all things for you and your family. You will not
worry in the face of job loss, transition, financial problems, or when the
world starts to stress. You will face whatever happens in life without worry.
Droughts in your finance, in relationships, or whatever form they takes—you
will not worry. God provides all.
“It never fails
to bear fruit…” You will always bear good
fruit. You will be prosperous and joyful. You will be comfort to others who are
in need. You will be a helping hand to strangers. You will spread joy to others
around you. You will provide well for your family. You will be abundant and
everything you touch will be successful. You will always bear good fruit
because it promises you will never fail
in this area. Oh, you’ll have failures, but you will bounce right back up and
be successful again.
How do I become a Jeremiah Tree?
“Trust in the
Lord, whose confidence is in him…” You
will trust God 100% in all things. I know this isn’t easy. But, daily you
submit to him in prayer. Tell him your fears and worries. Tell Him your doubts
and expectations. Tell Him your story. He loves you. Heck, he created you. He
wants to hear from you. Today. Do it. Put your trust in Him.
out its roots by the stream…” The word of
God is the first thing you need to hold tight to. Read it daily. Digest His
word into your soul. Don’t just nibble on it, feast on His words. Take them
into your soul. The word of God is powerful and can heal a broken soul. Another
way you can send your roots by the stream is to surround yourself with strong,
spiritual people. People of faith. People who will encourage your daily walk
with the Lord. Find these people. Talk to God, he’ll show you where to find
these people. Find a church and plant yourself there. Third, prayer. Daily
prayer. Send out bold prayers to God and watch what happens. Miracles happen when you get on your knees and pray. I've seen it in my own life numerous times.
So there it all is, folks.
The promises of becoming a Jeremiah Tree.
Whatever issues you have, and we all have them, take heed of the promises found in Jeremiah 17:7-8 and become a solid, fruit-bearing, fearless, healthy Jeremiah Tree.
It is possible.
Of this I am sure.
Now, get going and go plant yourself by the stream!
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