Some stories need to be shared.
This is one of them.
It's about a woman and her shoes, or better yet, her lack of shoes.
It happened last week when my husband was at work. He works as a manger of a large grocery chain. He received a call from his staff that a woman was creating a scene up front, so they called him up to handle it. As soon as he arrived to the front of the store he noticed a woman who appeared to be on drugs, possibly homeless, and wandering the front of the store looking for money. Her clothing was dirty and unkempt and she wasn’t wearing any shoes.
“Can I help you?” My husband asked.
“I need a taxi cab,” the woman said, while she paced around frantically. “But, I don’t have any money.”
My husband, one of the kindest souls I know, pulled out a few dollars from his pocket and handed it to her. “I know this won’t cover a taxi, but maybe you can take the bus?”
The woman said, “I really need to take a taxi cab.”
Before my husband could respond to the woman, another customer approached them. This other woman was well-kept, dressed nicely, and had a big smile on her face. “How can I help here?”
“I need money for a taxi.” The lady repeated.
The well-kept woman looked over the downtrodden, haggard woman and said, “Where are your shoes?”
“I don’t know.”
“You don’t have any shoes? It’s raining outside and you don’t have any shoes?” The kind woman said.
And, then, right before my husband’s eyes, the well-kept woman put her groceries on the counter, and took off her beautiful, practically new shoes. Then, carefully put them in the hands of the shoe-less woman and said, “Here you go. These are yours now.”
Then she took some money out from her wallet and handed it to the woman in need. And before she could get a thank you from the woman-in-need, she picked up her grocery bags and ran outside into the pouring rain and to her car.
My husband was both shocked and happy to witness such a kind act of humanity. He called me right after to tell me the entire story. In which, I said, “This is totally going on my blog.”
We need more stories like this to permeate the world around us. Instead of negativity and harsh comments, we need stories of compassion and beauty. Stories that make us stop in our tracks, hold our breath and say, “Wow.” Stories that stay with us for days, even weeks, maybe even years. Stories that make our heart pitter-patter for the goodness they create inside our souls. I know this story did that to me. Simple as it was.
Two women.
One pair of shoes.
Yet, humanity felt restored.
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