How a Cupcake Changed My Life
March 20, 2018
Most people don't think of cupcakes as a tool of inspiration, but I'm going to challenge you on that assumption.
Today, you'll never look at a cupcake the same.
It all started with my co-worker's birthday. Our office celebrated by letting employees order any type of scrumptious confection they'd like. Cake. Donuts. Pie. Cheesecake. Whatever they wanted—they got. I was in charge of ordering the birthday girl's dessert. An easy task. Or so I thought.
This particular employee wanted cupcakes from a local bakery in our area. The entire dozen cost us $40—no big deal. Lots of the women in the office were partial to Nothing Bunt Cakes, which cost us $55 (w/delivery). I placed the order, and didn't give it a second thought.
*Drum roll please*
The owner of the company, a man I'd worked day and night for, given up weekends and holidays, and sacrificed my family time for, called me into his office. In the meeting with him I was berated, belittled and scolded for purchasing such an extravagant birthday dessert. Even after I pointed out that most of the women selected $55 cakes, he didn't want to hear about it. I was given the silent treatment from him for days.
All because of a cupcake.
I call this event my Cupcake-Epiphany. I sat at my desk and thought: "I've made this man a millionaire and I've sacrificed so much for him. I've shown respect and love for him. And after all of it, I'm treated like a piece of trash over a cupcake. I deserve much better than this."
As you can imagine, I left that job. After years of hard work and dedication. It took a cupcake to change my life. To realize my value and worth. To realize I could do better, much better. And, boy did my life improve once I left that toxic situation.
Your story might be like mine. Or it might be a friendship or a co-worker or a family member who is causing you havoc and stress. Or it might be a relationship that you are in. Know this. You are valuable. You are worth it.
And you can do better.
Much better.
Don’t wait for a Cupcake-Epiphany to make the leap to a better life for yourself.
Do it now.
Trust me, you’ll never regret it.
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